A diner in Lawrence, Massachusetts
5 BroadwayPhone:
Status: Gone and never coming back
Last Updated: Feb. 14, 2016
Art Deco-influenced design. Commissioned and run by John J. Joubert, Jr. from 1940 to 1971. Joubert’s father (Sr.) had run diners in Lawrence earlier. Had several names after 1971, including Muzzy’s Sub Shop (Lawrence Muzarall, 1971-), DiMarco’s Sandwiches (Marie DiMarco, 1978-), Blue Chip Rent-A-Car (1981-82), Rose Diner (1983), Mike’s Do Drop Inn (Mike Condon, 1984-94), and finally Nickie & Jackie’s. It was also briefly run by John’s son (III). Demolished 1996. (Thanks to Gary Thomas & Larry Cultrera)