A 1951 Mountain View diner (#302) in Scranton, Pennsylvania
True Diner
890 Providence RdPhone: (570) 343-8036
Status: Open for business
Website: http://www.gliderdiner.com/
Last Updated: Aug. 14, 2017
Condition: Fair amount of change
Started as the ultimate stick-built eatery, built in 1945 by returning War veterans Chappy LeStrange and Gene Cosgrove, Sr. from the five large wooden crates used to ship a kit glider that got parted out instead of actually built, but gave its name to their four-booth, ten-stool on-site construction. Business was tough at first, but by 1952 they were able to purchase a brand-new factory-built Mountain View that stands here still, expanded in 1964 with a surrounding expansion called the Fireside Lounge.
Suffered a damaging fire May 2017, reopened July.